Lynn Gibson

Photographed at Beamish Museum

© Hazel Plater. All Rights Reserved.

Lynn describes being a woman who works with coalfield communities as “carrying forward a profound legacy of strength, solidarity, and service”. Her father, grandfathers, and great grandfathers all worked in the pits and the women in her family stood strong during times of struggle.

Amongst many other roles and voluntary commitments, Lynn volunteers at Beamish Museum and can sense this ancestry when she puts on her costume. “I’m not just playing a role, I’m honouring the spirit of those pit village women who came before us.”

Being part of the Women’s Banner Group helps ensure “women’s stories have their rightful place at the Durham Miners Gala”. Lynn is also part of the National Women Against Pit Closures group and sees this as one of her most important areas of work. “Coming from a family of miners and strong women who supported the strike, I understand deeply how crucial it is to preserve these stories of community resilience and mutual support. Every time I share stories about the women who ran food kitchens during the strike and supported mining families in crisis, I feel I’m honouring not just my own family’s heritage but the collective strength of all mining communities.”

Her wish for young women growing up in coalfield communities today is that they recognise and draw strength from the “powerful heritage of activism, solidarity, and community spirit that runs through their history”. That they feel empowered to step into leadership roles in politics, trade unions, and community activism. Through the National Women Against Pit Closures legacy group, recently renamed National Women’s Action for Positive Change, women are working together to ensure the next generations understand “they are part of an unbroken chain of strong, resilient women who shaped our communities. I want them to know they are not starting from scratch.” 

To find out more about volunteering at Beamish Museum: