
Thank you for visiting our volunteering page! Volunteering is an essential part of ensuring that we keep the Durham Coalfield heritage alive and available to pass on to the next generations. Please register your interest below and someone will be in touch in September 2024.

[contact-field required="1" type="name" label="Name"/] [contact-field required="1" type="email" label="Email"/] [contact-field type="telephone" label="Phone"/] [contact-field label="What volunteering opportunities are you interested in?" options="Front of House Services,Tour Guiding,Events Staff,Archive & Collections,Community Organising,Event Photography,I would be interested in several different areas of volunteering" togglelabel="Select one option" type="select"/] [contact-field label="Other Details which you would like to make us aware of:" type="textarea"/] [contact-field type="consent" implicitconsentmessage="By submitting your information, you're giving us permission to email you. You may unsubscribe at any time." explicitconsentmessage="Can we send you an email from time to time?" label="Consent"/]