At last year’s Little Big Meeting, we were asked to help provide more opportunities for focused discussion within local networks. We are pleased to report that we are establishing three new groups to support community leaders in the former coalfield in three areas of development.
These discussion groups will focus on subject areas that emerged from the Little Big Meeting and use action learning methodology as a useful platform for exchange.
We want to bring those with a particular interest or passion together to share problems and challenges, offer insights or solutions, and help gather evidence of need and good practice.
There are currently three areas of focus. We would love for you to sign up for the group that is most relevant to you. We anticipate that they will all be delivered online every other month for two hours at a time over the course of one year. The sign-up link is below the group summaries.
They are offered free of charge thanks to UCL’s financial support.

1. The Youth of Today Are The Leaders of Tomorrow
Can we harness the inspirational, democratic heritage of Redhills to empower a new generation of young leaders in County Durham? What challenges does the sector face in supporting young people to become educators on youth issues, decision-makers on matters that affect them and ambassadors for their places?

2. The Future We Build
Infrastructure and physical capacity: How does the sector find and secure the space to work, learn and create? What would a sustainable community assets strategy look like for the third sector? How can we advocate for better collaborative use of space between public, private and third sector?

3. The World for the Workers
Health and wellbeing focus: how can we as a sector become better at helping the helpers? What are the strategies to avoid burnout? What is best practice for volunteer management strategies? What does rest look like in poorly resourced, purpose-driven organisations? And how do we find time to celebrate our successes?
We hope this will help your own personal development as well as supporting your organisation.