The DMA was born out of necessity. A response to an economic system that condemned working people to a life of poverty & insecurity, in poor housing, in poor health and with poor education, and to a political system that left them without a voice.

The men & women of the DMA fought shoulder to shoulder to reach the ‘sunlit uplands’ of a just society. They showed great courage, dignity & unity, demanding the right to work, safer conditions, fair pay, decent housing, a fulfilling life and security in old age.

Their collective endeavour forged their own destiny, transformed communities and changed lives. They built the forerunner of the welfare state, supported its national adoption after 1945 and used their strength to defend and extend it in the decades that followed.

They created a burgeoning, democratic, self-made tradition and a true people’s culture that encouraged education, artistic, sporting and political expression and bound the people of Durham together in solidarity. The magnificent Redhills stood at the heart of a network of DMA lodges that activated, enriched and represented every coalfield community.


The coal industry may have vanished, but the communities it has left behind are still shaped by its demise. They have borne the brunt of an era of industrial collapse & biting austerity. Many of the DMA’s hard-won gains have been rolled back.

Once again, coalfield communities are blighted by unemployment, poverty, inadequate housing, poor education and ill health. Racism & intolerance threaten to divide us and the climate emergency overshadows our children’s future.

People feel that their communities have been left behind and their voices are being ignored. Today’s challenges mirror those that created the DMA. The founders’ principles, values & purpose are as relevant today as ever.

The best way to honour that heritage is to keep it alive by renewing our commitment to the founders’ cause & empower communities to fight for a more just society & a better life. Not only have we inherited an extraordinary building, but the DMA has given us a proven model to achieve our vision: a modern network of lodges in every coalfield community.

OUR CAUSE: We will harness our living heritage to revitalise our coalfield communities.


1 We will recommission Redhills

It will be the focal point of a new movement, organising, co-ordinating showcasing and championing its efforts. We will harness the spirit of the Durham Miners Gala to spark a programme of year-round community activity.

2 We will reactivate the DMA’s heritage

New DMA community lodges with mass, democratic membership will involve, organise, galvanise and activate their communities and represent them in the Pitman’s Parliament.

3 We will revitalise coalfield communities

Lodges will campaign and advocate. They’ll foster and celebrate culture, giving people pride, confidence and hope. They’ll draw strength from and connect the existing banner groups, bands, choirs and community groups.