Redhills CIO is delighted to learn that the live performance element of the Durham Brass Festival category D co-commission has been crowned a winner in the 2022 North East Culture Awards.
Durham Brass Festival, Durham Miners Association and Redhills CIO commissioned a series of audio and visual projects to commemorate the hidden history of the Durham Coalfield. The live performance, which was the finale of the project, was one of three finalists in the Performance of the Year category of the annual awards.
Other finalists were:
HERE – by Lindsay Rodden, A Curious Monkey, Northern Stage & Newcastle University co-production
North of the Tyne, Under the Stars – by Pinwheel and DAT Events
The category was incredibly difficult to judge as all performances were worthy winners. We were delighted to make the shortlist and ecstatic that it was named Performance of the Year.
The winner was announced at the annual North East Culture Awards ceremony, which took place at Durham Cathedral on 15th November.